Friday, January 28, 2011

Nature and Mental Health

Very recently I saw a very well-done and complex video about mental illness. I've posted it below. It may seem on the surface that the connection between nature and mental health is distant. In reality it is essentially linked. When we get 'out there' - outside of the norm and especially out in nature we easily pick up on the physical rewards. Our arms and legs tingle from exercise and our lungs respond well to a day of crisp, cold winter air. So too, we notice the mental health benefits - contentment, sense of getting out of a rut, appreciation of beautiful surroundings. In the process of doing things we enjoy, we also boost our mental health.

Mental illness is complex. It will affect one in five of us in our lifetime. More than likely we will know someone struggling with a mental illness. This video points our quite nicely that our response and support goes far in helping someone to recover.

If nature is your thing, get out there. You have one time on the planet; find things which bring you joy.

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